WOD’s (Workout of the Day)

CrossFit workouts are often given strange names, like ‘Bacon and Eggs’ or ‘Cookie Monster’. There are also several Benchmark WOD’s, tough workouts designed to test you and measure your progress at the same time. It’s not uncommon to walk in to a box and hear “Oh no, we have Grace today.” Don’t worry, no-ones hating on Coach Grace! They are probably referring to one of the common benchmark workouts listed below, affectionately referred to as ‘The Girls’. WOD’s named after fallen military personnel are known as Hero WOD’s. And they are seriously tough! Like them or hate them, you will definitely get to know them pretty quickly!

The only question now is, which one will become your favourite?

Meet ‘The Girls’



























Filthy Fifty

Fight Gone Bad

The Ghost

The Gauntlet

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 Reps: Double Unders, Sit Ups. For Time.

100 Pull Ups, 100 Push Ups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats. For Time.

20 Pull Ups, 30 Push Ups, 40 Sit Ups, 50 Squats. Rest 3 mins. Repeat. 5 Rounds For Time.

5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats. EMOM for 30 mins.

5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats. 20 min AMRAP.

21 - 15 - 9 Reps: Dead Lifts (102kg / 52.5kg), Handstand Push Ups

21 - 15 - 9 Reps: Clean (60kg / 43.5kg), Ring Dips

800m Run, 30 KB Swings (32kg / 24kg), 30 Pull Ups. 5 Rounds For Time

21 - 15 - 9 Reps: Thrusters (42.5kg / 30kg), Pull Ups. For Time.

30 Clean & Jerks (61kg / 43kg). For Time.

400m Run, 21 KB Swings (24kg / 16kg), 12 Pull Ups. 3 Rounds For Time.

30 Snatches (61kg / 43kg). For Time.

1000m Row, 50 Thrusters (20kg / 15kg), 30 Pull Ups. For Time.

150 Wall Balls (10kg / 6kg). For Time.

400m Run, 30 Box Jumps, 30 Wall Balls (10kg / 6kg). 5 Rounds For Time.

5 Handstand Push Ups, 10 Pistol (One-Legged) Squats, 15 Pull Ups. 20 min AMRAP.

400m Run, 15 Overhead Squats (43kg / 30kg). 5 Rounds For Time.

400m Run, Max Unbroken Pull Ups. 20 min AMRAP

Hero WoDs

200 Double Unders, 50 Overhead Squats (61kg / 43kg), 50 Pull Ups, 1600m Run. 2 Rounds For Time.

1,000 Box Step-Ups (20in), wearing a weight vest (20kg / 15kg). For Time.

12 Dead Lifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks (70kg / 45kg). 5 Rounds for Time.

30 Clean & Jerks (61kg / 43kg), 1600m Run, 10 Rope Climbs, 1600m Run, 100 Burpees. For Time.

5 Wall Balls (10kg / 6kg), 3 Handstand Push Ups, 1 Power Clean (102kg / 70kg). 30 Rounds For Time.

1600m Run, 100 Pull Ups, 200 Push Ups, 300 Squats, 1600m Run. Wearing 10kg / 6kg Weight Vest. For Time.

75 Power Snatches (35kg / 25kg). For Time.

‘Fun’ WoDs

500m Row, 40 Squats, 30 Sit Ups, 20 Push Ups, 10 Pull Ups. For Time.

50 Reps: Box Jumps, Jump Pull Ups, KB Swings, Walking Lunges, Knees to Elbows, Push Press, Back Ext, Wall Balls, Burpees, Dubs. For Time.

1 min each: Wall Balls, Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (35kg / 25kg), Box Jumps, Push Press (35kg / 25kg), Row, Rest. 3 Rounds For Reps.

1 min each: Row, Burpees, Double Unders, Rest. 6 Rounds For Time.

30 min Cap: ‘Jackie’; then ‘Karabel’ - 3 Snatches (61kg / 43kg), 15 Wall Balls x 10 Rounds; then AMRAP of ‘Cindy’ in remaining time.